Concurrent with the exhibition Autofictions in Stone at the Secession in Vienna, a publication features six sixteen-page sheets designed by Aglaia Konrad: sequences of images showing construction sites, architectural structures, demolitions, and quarries from Konrad’s extensive image archive – each “framed” by an image of Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners and builders, and an illustration from Giovanni Villani’s late medieval Nuova Cronica. Bound into the book in random order, they generate ever-changing arrangements. Orla Barry, who based in Ireland, recurrently swaps the wellies of a sheep farmer for the attire of a (performance) artist, has contributed an autofictional text.
Further on, each copy of the publication contains one of several leporellos designed by Konrad. These were produced by hand, following Konrad’s characteristically analogue method of working with a photocopier. According to her instructions, images were scaled, duplicated, and assembled on the xerox before being reproduced in the full print run.
Format: 21 x 29,7 cm. Details: Softcover, dust jacket, 112 pages, hand-copied fanfold. Series design concept: Sabo Day. Graphic design: Sabo Day. Text: Orla Barry. Language: German, English. 117 images. Secession 2024. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln. ISBN 978-3-7533-0794-7