Performance de Suchan Kinoshita au Stuck à Leven ces jeudi 14 et vendredi 15 à 21h.
It happens when we’re not looking … years ago, Suchan Kinoshita wanted to see Chekhov’s Three Sisters. Tickets were sold out, so an hour before the play started she snuck in via backstage. She sat quietly in the back row of the gallery. A cleaning lady started sweeping between the seats, working her way back from the front row. Simultaneously, one by one the stage lighting of the first act was switched on. The lit scene of a dining room. The cleaning lady continued until she came to Kinoshita. She asked if she had a ticket, but it was no longer necessary: Kinoshita had seen the ideal platzhalter.
concept, text, music, scenography Suchan Kinoshita | performers Bastian Buddenbrock, René Haustein, Simon Bus | Sound Kitchen, Operating Theatre Inga Krüger, Suchan Kinoshita, Alima de Graaf | Sound Piece Ton im Ton (René Haustein) |Directors assistant Alima de Graaf | technical support STUK crew | commissioned and produced by Playground (STUK & M, Leuven)