Aglaia Konrad participe à l’exposition Art in Stone, organisée par la Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera à Barcelona. Commissaire : Pénélope Curtis.

ART IN STONE. 4 October 2024 – 2 February 2025
The exhibition will highlight the stone work of some of the most outstanding sculptors of the 20th century
Stone is transformed into a means of artistic expression in the new La Pedrera exhibition. ‘Art in stone’, organized by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera and curated by Penelope Curtis, former director of Tate Britain and the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, proposes a journey through modern sculpture, exploring the deep bond between artists and this material ancestral The exhibition, which can be visited from 4 October until February 2025, reveals how the stone has inspired generations of artists and is still a key element in contemporary art.
‘Art in stone’ gathers more than eighty works, including nearly fifty sculptures and thirty drawings and engravings. This selection represents a journey through the 20th century and presents us with a group of modern sculptors who, born between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, contributed decisively to transforming sculpture as we understand it today. World-renowned figures such as Hans Arp, Louise Bourgeois, Eduardo Chillida, Naum Gabo, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Isamu Noguchi and Jorge Oteiza are some of the artists who star in this exhibition. His work not only redefined the limits of what was considered sculpture, but opened up new avenues of artistic exploration, often parallel and with points of confluence.
The exhibition tour also includes contemporary artists who have continued to work with stone as the central material of their creations. Xavier Corberó, Stephen Cox, Luciano Fabro, Barry Flanagan, Cristina Iglesias, Anish Kapoor, Ettore Spalletti and Alison Wilding are some of the creators who, with their work, have managed to keep this dialogue with stone alive, reinterpreting its creative possibilities. In addition, the exhibition has a series of photographs by Aglaia Konrad, taken in the emblematic quarries of Carrara, where the stone takes on an almost mythical dimension due to its beauty and history. (Nora Barnach, in Bonart, 3 october 2024)
Barcelona (E), Art in Stone, Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, du 4 octobre au 2 février 2025. Curator : Penelope Curtis.