Aglaia Konrad, From A to K, Museum M, Leuven (4)

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad
Copy Cities, 2003 – 2004
12 cahiers DIN A4, photocopies couleurs et NB, édition 7/7 sous custode.
#01 Urban creatures
#02 Desert Cities
#03 Dakar (survey #01)
#04 Les jumelles
#05 Elasticity Spread
#06 Suburbs
#07 Dakar Cuts
#08 Seoul (survey #02)
#09 Undecided Frames
#10 Some Cities
#11 Makowsky’s Bungalow Colony, High Falls, NY
#12 Hoover Over

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

In Copy Cities (2003- 04), Aglaia Konrad assembled a selection of her work on cities. The cahiers indicate and visualize the diversity of her engagement with the urban condition; they are exercises that seek to isolate architectural objects, from towers that search each other’s company in the urban landscape (Les .Jumelles, cahier #04) to strange, contingent moments of real-life urban collage (Urban Creatures, cahier #01). Dakar appears as both a survey of photographie zooms (Dakar (Survey #01 ), cahier #03) and a series of edited images in which pictorial elements are isolated by erasing the building’s context (Dakar Cuts, cahier #07). There is an elaborate monographie series on desolate, modern NewTown landscapes outside Cairo (Desert Cities, cahier #02) and one on American suburbia in pairs of close and distant views (Suburbs, cahier #06), presenting the suburbs simultaneously as architecture and urban landscape. Copy Cities, moreover, includes large areal views of Seoul (Seoul (Survey #02), cahier #09), portraits of quirky and at times miniaturized buildings (Urban Creatures, cahier #01), a mixed selection of images of hard-to-locate urban landscapes from Konrad’s 2002 book Elasticity (Elasticity Spread, cahier #05) and a range of double, « undecided » images of urban scenes, buildings, and interiors (Undecided Frames, cahier #09). Sorne Cities (cahier #10), howe,ver, takes an entirely different form and contains an alphabetically ordered list of a variety of city types and urban qualifications, starting with « a city, abandoned city, AB City » and ending with « zionist city » and « zoo city. » The status of the list is· anything but clear. lt reads like the ultimate index system to Konrad’s practice, but without the usual page numbers or cross-references that connect those terms to specific works, projects, or photographs. (Michiel Dehaene)

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad
Czech Bar, 2016
53 diapositives couleurs
