Adam oldum, ne istiyorum? – I am a man now, what do you want more?
Marie Zolamian’s artistic work examines questions of individual and collective identity. Her works question the significance of belonging to a specific territory or community, and the social and spatial conditions that form a mentality. Zolamian, who paints and draws primarily, but also uses other media, examines places of memory; she observes the way that people deal with them and thus succeeds in capturing those fleeting moments that shape cultural awareness and identity.
Her current exhibition, the title of which comes from an exclamation that the artist overheard on the street, includes watercolours, drawings, paintings and children’s drawings of a castle in the village of Abwein in Palestine. They were produced parallel to a video film which is also being shown, and for which Zolamian – in the context of the Qualandiya International Biennale – had art viewers taken to the remote village in buses. Here, a group of Palestinian boys acted as tourist guides in the castle. This generated a large number of stories ‘outside of history’, into which the youths poured a lot of their everyday lives and cultural background. Zolamian has provided English subtitles for the film, but in the context of the installation in the Künstlerhaus she plans to broadcast the original Arabic soundtrack from the gallery room into the street – being sure that the many migrants in Kreuzberg will understand or even recognize the stories.
01.03. – 24.03.2013
Tue – Sun: 2 – 7pm
Admission free
7 – 10 pm